Still To Play Games List

I just thought I would write a short post mentioning the games that are sitting on my shelf or digital library waiting to be played.  They are listed below:

Mass Effect
Cave Story+
Hitman: Blood Money
Lone Survivor
Swords and Sworcery
Puzzle Agent
Puzzle Agent 2
Myst: Masterpiece Edition
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
Garry's Mod
Thanks to Steam sales, most of the games I have yet to play are on the PC.   Most of the PC games in my list are indie titles that should only last a few hours (so, that helps me time wise).  The big Summer Steam Sale has just finished and I only bought four titles over two days.   The majority of my list, I purchased during the Steam Winter Sale and also through the charity - pay what you want - Humble Indie Bundle offers.

Only one title in my list is a physical retail title and that is Mass Effect.  Yes, I still have not played Mass Effect – and to think the whole of the gaming world is discussing the ending to Mass Effect 3.  I originally bought Mass Effect 2 on the PS3, but then I decided I had to start from the very beginning.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The Legend of Zelda: A link to the Past
NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits

On the Wii I bought the Legend of Zelda:  Syward Sword - I have had it in my collection for quite a while now, but I have not even put it in the console yet.

I also downloaded (the Super Nintendo Classic) The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past on the Wii's Virtual Console.  I have heard a lot of positive opinions about LOZ: A link to the Past.  Always wanted to play it, but never had a chance when it was originally released, as I owned a Megadrive as a kid and did not really know of the game at the time.

NyQuest: The Kindred Spirits is a title that I downloaded on the WiiWare channel.  It is a 2D platform that uses the Wii controls in a similar manner to Lost Winds.  I have only played a little of the game so far, but it seems to be quite enjoyable - I will have to revisit the game sometime soon.

Metroid II
Metroid - Zero Mission

I also bought some retro games to play.  A couple of years ago I downloaded the SNES classic Super Metroid on the Virtual Console.  I had never played the game before, but ever since playing Super Metroid, I have become (probably too) obsessed with the franchise.
Since then, I have bought Metroid II, Metroid - Zero Mission (a remake of the original game) and a the GameBoy Advance port of the original NES Metroid.

I do not actually own a GameBoy or a GameBoy advance, but I have a GameBoy player for the GameCube - which allows me to play any GameBoy or GameBoy Advance game through my TV.

My PS3 is my main console, but I do not have any games to play currently (but there are definitely games on my wishlist).  I also, would like to play a few games on the Xbox 360 - but I guess I'll have to buy one first.

Overall, it looks like I have a number of titles yet to play on the PC, but most of the games are (thankfully) quite short - so, it should not take long to play through them.  The longer lasting titles are mainly on the Wii console and there are also a couple on the PC.


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