Still to Play games List (Updated)

Earlier, I wrote a blog piece on the games I still have to play-through.  I thought that I would quickly update the list.

  • Mass Effect
  • Pyschonauts
  • Cave Story+
  • Bastion
  • Hitman: Blood Money
  • Lone Survivor
  • Swords and Sworcery 
  • Machinarium
  • Puzzle Agent
  • Puzzle Agent 2
  • Nightsky
  • Shank
  • Myst: Masterpiece Edition
  • RealMyst
  • Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
  • Garry's Mod
Added since last post:

  • Slender (Free PC survival horror indie title).
  • Souless Mountain II (Free fan made 2d remake/tribute, or demake, of the greatest horror game of all time, Silent Hill 2, from the creator of Lone Survivor).
  • Trine 2

Also added Humble Bundle for Android 3 (Charity pay what you want for bundle of games on Android tablets and phones/this bundle also contain PC versions of the Android games).

Now, I am not hugely excited about all the games included in the bundle, but hey, it is pay what you want and you can choose how much money goes to the developers, charities and the Humble Bundle providers.  The following games are on the PC with the Android versions detailed in brackets:

  • Anomaly (Mobile version also included)
  • Bit.Trip.Beat (Already own PC version, but mobile version also included)
  • Edge (Already own PC version, but mobile version also included)
  • Fieldrunners (Mobile version included)
  • Osmos (Mobile and Tablet version both included - do not own a tablet, but will be able to try the Mobile version)
  • Spacechem (Tablet version also included)
  • Spirits (Mobile version also included)
  • Uplink (Tablet version also included)
  • World of Goo (Mobile version also included)


Added since last post:
  • Metal Gear Solid 4 (Played through once before, but now trophy support has finally been implemented, so I have to play through it once more).

  • The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
  • The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
  • NyxQuest Kindred Spirits
Added Since last post:
  • Project Zero 2

  • Metroid II
  • Metroid: Zero Mission
  • Metroid


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