Favourite Games of 2013: Number 8 - Beyond: Two Souls


I really enjoyed playing Heavy Rain when it released, but for some reason I was never really that hyped for Beyond: Two Souls, even though I am all for these ‘interactive experiences’ that David Cage wants to so passionately cast out into the Triple-A space.

I eventually decided to take a gamble and pick up Beyond and I am absolutely glad I did.  Beyond received some positive feedback from critics, but equally received some criticism that made me a little weary about spending full price on it.  I understand where some of the negative feedback comes from and the issues that people may have, but I really did enjoy the game more than I initially thought I would.

I did not enjoy it quite as much as Heavy Rain and Beyond did have some pacing issues, like maybe too long during the Native American’s Ranch section, but it provided some extraordinary  memorable moments and characters during the 10 hour period of gameplay time that I spent with it. 

Ironically, I think the parts that felt too ‘gamey’ were the weakest part of Beyond, which I thought was rather a strange decision to include as David Cage’s philosophy is to create something that can easily be understood by a person that is not used to a gamepad and certain sections did not reflect this fact.

It may not be perfect, but I think that it is important to experience a game like Beyond: Two Souls – I look forward to more in the future from David Cage and what his vision can provide for further interactive storytelling.


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