This will be an extremely short recap for the month of December because I never completed nor attempted any of my backlogged games in December. Although, I did (briefly) play some games in December and they were:
WWE 2K 22
WWE 2K 23
WWE 2K 24
TRLE The Prisoner - I have played the first level of this excellent Tomb Raider fan level set.
I have played the wrestling games mentioned above as for the month of December I have been creating my own WCW Invasion PPV that I plan to upload to YouTube and feature in a future blog entry. After watching the Invasion story from 2001, I was inspired to create a 'What Could have been' fantasy Invasion PPV with what the last few WWE 2K games had on offer.
I plan to edit in the entrance music for each match as I used the PlayStation 5's own capture software and it does not record the music (probably because of Copyright issues). I am not able to do any editing on my computer until January so the videos will be finished sometime in January.
I have already written the next blog discussing the dream WCW Invasion angle that could have been, but I have to wait until I can edit and upload the videos in January before the blog entry is published.
My gaming backlog has taken a backseat this month as I have been reliving wrestling from when I watched it between 1997 and 2006. With the announcement of the WWE Network closing in the UK and Ireland before heading over to Netflix I decided to watch some wrestling (WWF, WCW and ECW) during the last month of the WWE Network.
Update - I did eventually start one of the games in my backlog around the 27th of December. The game I have started is Stellar Blade. I have only played a little of Stellar Blade and so far I am enjoying it and I expect, depending on how much I continue to enjoy it, Stellar Blade will be included in my next Battling the Backlog edition either as the next completed or retired game.